Mike Waldvogel
Mike Waldvogel is Extension Associate Professor in the Entomology Department at NC State University. His primary responsibilities are in the area of Urban Structural Pest Management and developing management strategies for residential, industrial and wood-destroying pests, including bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, rodents and termites. He provides technical assistance to pest management professionals and other industrial clients to solve pest problem situations. Along with Patty Alder, Mike is involved in several training programs including Pesticide applicator certification training in Category B (Public Health) and structural pest control Phases P (Household Pests), W (Wood Destroying Pests), and F (Structural Fumigation). He also works with county Cooperative Extension Service programs including Safe Plates® & ServSafe® and NCDHHS’s Centralized Intern Training Program for county Environmental Health Specialists.
Dr. Waldvogel is Director of the Structural Pest Management Training & Research Facility. He is also a faculty member in the North Carolina Agromedicine Program and teaches several courses in the NCSU Agricultural Institute.